Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CT Update

So, holy crap. It seems after only 4 years removed from high school it seems at least half of my graduating class is getting married. There have been a few times I that I have seen the wedding announcements in the paper, I know at least 2 or 3 of them. I understand that they are in love and that's great, but when did I get this old? It seems like yesterday it was senior year and I was trying to figure out where I was going to go to college (which really wasn't that hard). I have been to weddings this summer of close friends from high school and one of my best friends from college. Holy crap we are getting old.

So after cleaning out my closet I found a lot of things that I haven't seen in a few years. One was a vortex football and the others were some senior stuff from high school. The things from high school included our ten year predictions which mine said, "In Ten years I will be married with children and still working at Andys Farm Market." And well four years later I am still working at Andys. Woooooooo. Today I get to work 12-close which won't be bad however I hate working the afternoon shift so this afternoon might be a two shirt day. Its going to be toasty, come visit.

you stay classy


CT = coffee time

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