Sunday, August 29, 2010

they're really saying, I......I love you

So, after the 10 or so birthday wishes I got on my facebook saying, "happy birthday old man" I got to realize a few things; I am an old man (I have been for a long time now, but now my age has caught up to me), I have the greatest friends in the whole world, life is good.

Here's to 22, what a year. I could post numerous pictures from the past year, but I am not. I am going to copy my good friend Kate "Sparky" Sparks and might as well just do the last 4 years of my life.

Then I will wrap year 22 up in a few sentences. Because I know every single one of you want to hear it!!

Alpha Chi Formal our freshman year

an ode to the yellow house

I'm not sure if either of us would be the same if not for Super Smash

CT and studying

22 was a great year, there are so many things to say and so many people to be thankful for, I dont regret a single minute of it.

by the way, while I was typing this I have been listening to Melvin Amina's "Over the Rainbow/What a Beautiful World" this song came on last night right before I got into bed and it has always been one of my favorite songs and last night it really hit me that I live in a beautiful world with great friends and family. They have helped me through some real tough times this past year. Even though its cloudy/rainy right now it's a great day. And i'm moving with JTizzle in a month and that's going to be CRAZY, wow im growing up so fast. Ohh, I almost forgot to mention that I have started my big boy job at a fantastic bank and I absolutely love it. Sorry for the length of this post, stay classy.


1 comment:

  1. there's something really important missing from those pictures.
