Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Place of Rest and Vision

So, while looking for a big boy job I have felt everything under the sun. I have had highs thinking I'd get something and really low after I didnt get that job. Going back to my old high school job has been good, I don't always have to ask my parents for money anymore. I can do the things I want to do and do it on my dime. That has been really nice, because I have always had a problem asking for money other than gas/maintenance money. If you are in the Vhills area, stop by. Its not that bad, other than it being scorching outside.

To my title, you can say all of that in one word, Sumatanga. That's camp to me, a place of rest and vision. I actually decided at church on Sunday after talking with Mary Chesnutt (Collins) that I needed a week of camp. I skipped out last year and I probably could of used it. And if you know Allison Sligh, its really tough to tell her no, she will try everything in the book to get you to be a counselor at her camp. I have told her no once this summer and I couldn't do it again. It will be amazing to get away from everything; no cell phone, no email, no internet, no stress. I always go to camp uneasy about a lot of things and leave rested and rejuvenated. I have a few traditions at camp whether its listening to a song that my friends wrote on the drive in, stepping on the rock every time I pass it, looking up at the stars every night, or waking up the kids in the cabin with a swift metal chair to the ground (very annoying). Next saturday cannot come soon enough.

you stay classy.


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