Saturday, June 27, 2009

and the list goes and goes....

Throughout the week I thought to myself ooo that would be a good title. I said a few times so I just went with one that made the reference that there is a lot.

Title Number 1:
"If you want to make God Laugh.........."
I have had a lot of fun this past month, and some great experiences. It was definatly not the summer I thought it would be, I thought things would be a little different. I get what I get, its been a good summer and greatness is to come next month. The end of that post with that title would simply read, "tell him your plans", because you can plan the world, but God has something different in mind for you.

Title Number 2:
"Just juked the shoes off her."
Only reason for that was because while walking home one night I got the bright idea to juke someone like one would do if your playing football or walking on the quad in the morning. I have never seen anything like it before, she was so confused and scared at night. She had the right to be scared, it is Washington DC at night. ha.

Title Number 3:
"I found all the missing hairgel!"
Out last night I noticed, not for the first time, but it really hit last night for some reason. Guys from the north or it might be just DC but they love their hairgel, its gross. Some of the guys looked like they spent more time on their hair than the girls did. Its actually kind of funny.

Title Number 4
"I hate auburn"
This is more recent one, because Auburn cut the number of seats they are giving out for the Iron to UA students and I got cut. I like the 65 dollars in my bank account but Id rather go the game.

But anyway, this morning I ran/jogged/walked the 2.3 miles to Arlington Cemetary. It was tiredsome but well worth it. I got to see the changing of the guard and the changing of the wreath. I am not sure how often the wreath laying takes place but it was really neat to see. Because I believe the one they removed was the one Obama put down on Memorial Day. Did I mention it was HOT out there.

So, i talked mr jtizzle into teaching me how to play the guitar, I have owned one for a few years now and just never learned how to play it. Slacker I know. But it will give us something to do in July in between class and me kicking his butt in NCAA 2010.

I just spent a good 15 or 20 minutes going through facebook pictures, I am bored okay. My friends called me and informed me that they are staying in so I just figured Id start cleaning up/packing ish. But I have been smiling ever since looking at those pictures, I only made it through the end of last summer at camp. So many things have changed since then, I dont know where the time has gone, but I wish this year creeps by. Well, im going to catch up on some things, and you crazy kids have fun.

Stay Classy,


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